Writing v. Reading: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor

When I was deciding between PhD programs, I was interviewed by a composition program to determine whether or not I would receive a TA.  The interview took place on the phone, not my best medium, and I was very aware of how much was riding on my success. “So, what have you taught before?” the […]

Welcome Back

New year, new start to the Freshman English blog. Never mind the older dates on the posts below. They’re probably new to you anyway. But, yes, our first go round stalled a bit in our second semester, when we were beset by technical problems and, alas, a narrowing-then-closed window for writing. The technical problems are […]

Term(inal) Papers

One of the topics of conversation around here has been “The Research Paper”; in particular, the question of whether FE instructors are required to assign a research paper.  (You are definitely missing out on some productive conversations if you don’t hang around the FE Triangle [163, 126, and 125]). Many composition instructors are accustomed to […]

Old New Ideas

  Apropos of very little, I wanted to offer a few snippets from what has to be my favorite article of the last year or so. It took me a while to get around to it (it’s from the November 2011 issue of College English), but I am fascinated. The article is itself comprised of […]

Flow and Eddy

I like easy puzzles. My favorite puzzle, in fact, has only one piece. In a recent conversation with other writing instructors, I raised the question of why so many students come into the Writing Center asking for help with the flow of their writing: “Does my paper flow?” “Do my paragraphs flow?” It’s an understandable […]