by Danielle Gilman Collaboration is an essential element of first-year writing seminars at UConn. Students spend the semester exploring project-based inquiries through a series of course moves designed to facilitate ongoing exchange with their classmates and instructors. In addition to encouraging students to perform experiential research, participate in and contribute to public discussions & debates, […]
Re-Engaging Students
by Kelly Coons Let’s set the scene. You’re midway through the semester—one or two projects down, so two or one project to go. Most of your class is along for the ride. Key word: most. One of your students has disappeared over the course of the semester. You reached out to the student over email, […]
The Difference Publics Make
by Howard Fisher When teaching students to anticipate how their work might circulate in the world, writing instructors understand the importance of posing questions about rhetorical ethos: who uses the writing and how the social positions of readers will shape their needs, expectations, and reliability judgements. However, in the workshop I co-led with Mckenzie Bergan earlier […]
Brown Bag Lunch Reflection
This year, we’ve implemented an event series called the Brown Bag Lunch. Once a month, the First-Year Writing office picks a topic related to teaching and we gather with other instructors to eat lunch and discuss various methods, challenges, or experiences in our teaching. September’s lunch discussed student engagement, October’s discussed how to incorporate games […]
2023 Conference on the Teaching of Writing
The 18th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Writing took place at UConn Storrs on April 14, 2023, featuring keynote speaker Stacey Waite.
2019 Conference on the Teaching of Writing
The 14th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Writing took place at UConn Hartford on April 5, 2019.
2018 Conference on the Teaching of Writing
The 13th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Writing took place at the UConn Hartford campus on April 6, 2018.
Apologia Pro Dulcibus Frumentorum
Apologia Pro Dulcibus Frumentorum: An Appreciation of One Too Commonly Ignored Contributor to Social Bliss, Conjugal Stability, and Civic Cordiality, (Or Why Candy Corn Is Super Sweet) By Tom Layman IT HAS COME TO MY ATTENTION, while speaking with some students of supposed good standing, and teachers who I believed were touted for the quality […]
The Teacher’s Body
This week in the 5100 seminar (you know, the Theory and Teaching of Writing gig), we are turning our thoughts, talk, activities, readings to: The Teacher’s Body. Yes, we all have one! And some of you have probably noticed that it can/does “matter” in your classrooms; on some days, and in some ways, more than […]
2017 Conference on the Teaching of Writing
The 12th Annual Conference on the Teaching of Writing took place on April 7, 2017.